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Become a Volunteer

Thanks so much for wanting to volunteer at Covenant House—we’re happy you’re here. Below you’ll find some FAQs about volunteering so you can find the option that works best for you.

Thank you for your interest in becoming a volunteer!

From individuals, to companies, to faith-based organizations, Covenant House needs your help! Unlike many volunteer opportunities, we want you to do what you love to do… just do it with our youth, either individually or with a group of your friends or co-workers.

It is only with the support of our community that we can offer so many opportunities for healing and growth to our young people. What do you love to do? Do you write, cook, dance, play an instrument or sports? Do you have administrative, design or organizational skills? Come share that passion with our young people! We need your help at Covenant House! Please contact us today!

Some ideas include:

  • Host a workshop like yoga, meditation, or gardening
  • Tutoring
  • Cook/donate/host a meal
  • Birthday Celebrations
  • Host a donation drive
  • Host a game night/movie night
  • Hosting a tie-dye party or beach day
  • Providing haircuts to our youth

Learn more about our opportunities, and how you can make a difference in the lives of youth overcoming homelessness and trafficking!

Signup to volunteer

Get your Faith Community Involved

Your faith community will see lives transformed and, in the process, see change in your own lives. If you’d like to serve our young people, there are multiple ways to get involved. Organize a service project, or supply drive, raise funds for a specific need! Help CHC love all of God’s children with absolute respect and unconditional love! Please contact us today!

Get Your Company Involved

At CHC, we recognize that successful partnerships don’t generally fit a one size fits all model. We’d love to learn about the needs of your organization, and create a partnership that is meaningful, rewarding and sustainable for all involved. We can work with you to engage your employees in multiple ways including (but not limited to): volunteerism, service projects, supply drives, in-kind donations, cause-related marketing, employee giving, job creation, special event participation, sponsorship and programmatic investments.

Please reach out to Monique Iniguez to see how your company can partner with CHC, while dramatically improving the lives of young people overcoming homelessness.

Join the Associate Board for Young Professionals

Volunteers ages 25–40 years old may wish to consider joining our Associate Board for Young Professionals!

Covenant House California’s Associate Board is made up of young, compassionate, and philanthropic professionals, ages 25-40, with a desire to end youth homelessness and trafficking in the L.A. and Bay Area regions. Members focus efforts in three major ares: fundraising, social advocacy, and service.

  • Raise $1,000 annually. This can be done in multiple ways, including: Young Professionals Sleep Out, personal donations, company match donations, support of CHC’s fundraisers, etc.
  • Participate in CHC’s Annual “Young Professionals Sleep Out”
  • Attend 3 out of 4 Associate Board meetings per year (conferencing in to a meeting counts as attendance)
  • Participate in 6 hours of service events
  • Through volunteering, service, and fundraising efforts, the Associate Board empowers our youth by serving as advocates and embracing the mission of CHC. We join together as a community to stand up for young people in need, and help give our youth a voice.

For more information on the Southern California Associate Board, please contact Monique Iniguez at